Maria Alicia Vanderbilt f. 1831

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Fullt navn (ved fødsel) Maria Alicia Vanderbilt

w Cornelius I Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] f. 24 mai 1794 d. 4 januar 1877

Sophia Johnson [Johnson] f. 7 mai 1795 d. 17 august 1868

Referansenummer GEDCOM::craigsharrow.ged::INDI @I46576@::Hailey C. Shannon


1831 fødsel:

død: Y



If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)

Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.

Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!

Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.

If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)

Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to


Fra besteforeldre til barnebarn

Cornelius I Vanderbilt
fødsel: 24 mai 1794
ekteskap: Sophia Johnson , Tottenville (Staten Island), Richmond, New York
død: 4 januar 1877
Sophia Johnson
fødsel: 7 mai 1795, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
andre: 7 mai 1797, Staten Island, Alt. Birth, Richmond, New York
ekteskap: Cornelius I Vanderbilt , Tottenville (Staten Island), Richmond, New York
begravelse: august 1868, Staten Island, Moravian Cemetery, New York
død: 17 august 1868, New Dorp (Staten Island), Richmond, New York
== 2 ==
William Henry Vanderbilt
fødsel: 8 mai 1821
ekteskap: Maria Louisa Kissam , "Cedar Hill", Staten Island, Richmond County, New York
død: 8 desember 1885
Eliza Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1828
død: Y
Maria Louisa Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1827, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
død: 1896, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
Phebe Jane Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1814, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
død: 1878, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Ethelinda Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1817, Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA
død: 1889, Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA
Elizabeth Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1819, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
død: 1890, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Emily Almira Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1823, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
død: 1896, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
Sophia Johnson Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1825, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
død: 1912, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
Frances Lavina Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1828, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
andre: 1836, Alt Birth
død: 1868, New Brunswick, Somerset, New Jersey
Cornelius Jeremiah Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1830, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
død: 2 april 1882, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
George Washington Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1839, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
død: 1864, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Catherine Juliette Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1836, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
død: 1881, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Maria Alicia Vanderbilt
fødsel: 1831
død: Y
== 2 ==

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